Saturday, January 31, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

We were so fortunate this year to be surrounded by grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.  We are so thankful for the precious family that God has blessed us with

Nan, Reed, Grandma and John Austin working a puzzle

Nicci trying to relax and enjoy the day

Hook 'em horns! 

John Austin and Lauren at the 2nd grade feast
They each recieved two plates...
One with foods the pilgrims might have eaten then, and one with foods we celebrate with today

Stetson and Reed at the Kindergarten Feast
Really, this says it all

Ellis and Papa at the "Tigers" Thanksgiving Feast

Ellis trying to beat "this level" on Star Wars

1 comment:

Nicki McDonald said...

I love your family - you are all so precious. I love that picture with Nicci on bottom - everyone looks like they are having a great time.